Thursday, March 15, 2012

Funny stuff my kids did recently

chirp chirp chirp

Those are the crickets chirping after my last blog post. Oh dear, have I alienated myself from my entire readership? I actually had a few people email me their comments. Most people agreed with me and/or brought up other facets that I hadn't talked about (i.e., how women are portrayed on TV, the effects of social media such as Facebook on society, the effects of the internet in general).

Well I thought I would lighten things up a bit and how better to do that then talk about funny things my kids say and do?

Asha's been quite philosophical lately. We've had several discussions about why the seasons change and how it can be daytime here but nighttime in England but it's winter in both places. She's also going through a fun little phase where she is constantly a victim of unfortunate circumstances and everyone else is to blame. We signed her up for swimming lessons and her first class was the other day. The class was at 10:00am so it was an eternity for her to wait since she woke up at 7:00. She decided that I was making her wait on purpose just to be mean and I was going to make her late and miss the class. To this I replied in a sarcastic tone that I'm trying to stop using, "you're right. I searched all over L.A. looking for a good class for you to take. I then signed you up the minute registration began so you could get a spot. I then paid money not only for the class but also to park. I did all of this because I'm mean and I want you to be late and miss the class!". I don't know what it is but this constant laying of blame (and of course it's me getting blamed 95% of the time) makes me crazier than anything! Even whining!

But this is supposed to be about funny things Asha says, not annoying things. Yesterday we went for a walk / bike ride. It was one of the first times Asha had been back in the saddle since she broke her arm. She's been a bit hesitant to ride her bike again. She was definitely more cautious and slower than she used to be, much to Stobie's sagrine because he thought he was actually going to get a decent walk. Asha was cruising along pretty well until she suddenly stopped and gazed off into the distance. When I asked what she was doing she said, in a dramatic and melancholy voice "it's my grave". I didn't know what she meant but she explained that it was the site of the unfortunate arm-breaking incident. We had a moment of silence to mourn the loss of her intact arm bone and moved on. Our Asha definitely has a flair for the dramatic.

Asha is also doing a yoga class right now. Very L.A., right? Asha thinks that she has some innate yogic ability because her name is Indian. The class is pretty fun and involves things like standing up from a cross-legged position with your hands on your head. Try it! It's harder than it sounds! Well before Asha's first class she ran into her room so she could get on her yoga outfit. A few minutes later she came out wearing the following: leggings with shorts over top, a long-sleeved shirt with a tank top over top, sunglasses, and a pink cowboy hat. She insisted that that's what people wear to yoga class in California. When we got to the class I was shocked to see that everyone else had on the same outfit! Just kidding! Imagine if that happened!

Well enough about Asha. We can't forget about Nia!  As a younger child myself I am acutely aware that the oldest child often steals the show. Nia and I share something in common which is a precocious, ultra-talkative older sister. My other sister, a classic middle child compensated by being very well behaved and therefore adored by all, especially teachers. So far, Nia seems to using my strategy of being extremely cute. Unfortunately I was irritating and very much aware of my cuteness. Nia, on the other hand, is just so damn cute and hilarious without even trying.

(Just a brief little interlude to give a shout-out to my sisters. As my girls get older I see them becoming genuine friends which I find thrilling. My sisters and I got along ridiculously well as kids too. I have so many great memories of them reading to me and playing with me in the backyard. We had our occasional scuffles such as when Natasha hit me in the face with a lunchbox. Or did I hit her? I can't remember. Siena was bossy and liked to play fun little tricks such as setting up a yard sale on her bed where I could buy her crappy old toys (including some stuff that was mine). But for the most part my sisters were the best big sisters I could have ever asked for, despite my aforementioned annoying cuteness.)

Anyway, when I look back at pictures from when we first moved here I realize that Nia was seriously homely. I mean this in the most loving way possible and I was certainly not aware of it at the time. I guess all parents are somewhat oblivious to their children's shortcomings. Maybe I'm still delusional but I'm pretty sure that Nia is becoming one ridiculously cute kid. She has quite the little personality on her. David is seriously concerned because Nia seems to be a bit of a fashionista. Each morning when David takes Nia and Stobie for a walk he takes Nia to her closet to choose a sweater. She is very discerning about what she chooses and usually matches her selection to what David is wearing. Nia is also obsessed with shoes and hats and purses.

So we've got a whole lotta personality going on in our house! I'm afraid for the teenage years. Sometimes I think about people who don't have kids and how nice it must be sometimes. Generally this happens at 2 in the morning when Asha has growing pains or 6 in the morning when Nia didn't get the memo about the time change. But more often there are times when I am busting a gut because of something funny one of our kids did. Or because of the ridiculousness that has become our life. I had a recent conversation with a couple of moms about the strangest thing we've ever found in our kid's diaper. One of the best I've ever heard of was light bright pegs. My personal best was a googly eye used for crafts. There's nothing more unsettling than something peering out at you from the depths of a diaper.

So yes, my life is ridiculous at times but that's what makes it so damn fun.


  1. Oh my god Melissa the googly eye thing made me laugh until I choked on my own saliva. I can't wait to see you guys! - Love Melanie

  2. Sorry. I didn't mean to choke you. You don't have any stories to add about things you've found in a diaper, Melanie? Just you wait. It will come. And just wait until your kid starts eating cupcakes at birthday parties. That food colouring paste does crazy things! For some reason purple food colouring becomes bright mutagen green when it comes out! What the hell??
